Cumbria Way Ultra

107 kmD+
0 mPoints ITRA
A propos de la course
Registration will open on Friday 15th September from 15:00 to 22:00 at Ford Park, Ulverston, LA12 7JP. There is parking available in the grounds of Ford Park. There will be NO Registration available on Saturday 16th. You will need to provide your photo id at Registration. Relay Team Captains and individuals for absent Solo runners are able to register their team/absent runner. In this instant you MUST bring a copy of the absent runner’s photo id. Without a copy of the photo id for each absent runner they will not be issued a race number and not be allowed to compete. The running order of the Relay Teams must be given at Registration. You will be given your Event T Shirt, Route Notes, Race Number, SI Chip Timing card and Baggage Label (Solo Runners only) when you register. Solo runners please return your full Dropbag with Baggage Label attached to Registration BEFORE 21:30 or the Start area BEFORE 05:30 on Saturday 16th. The Dropbags will be transported to the Finish
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